*** Chairman of committee
General Information
SOCIEDAD MUTUALISTA MEXICANA is a non-profit organization whose goal is to unite all
the Mexican residents in the city of Youngstown and its suburbs, to develop friendship,
and understanding, to promote cultural heritage and to keep the honor and the good name of
our Mexican Nationality. (article 2)
Duties of the president:
1. To guide and to represent the Society in all the official activities that
require the President's presence.
2. To preside over the general meetings and the Executive Committee meetings and
shall guide the discussions in a just and impartial way.
3. To sign the documents of the meetings, some official letters, together with the
Secretary and Treasurer's books and any other documents that may need the President's
4. To call the special meetings of the Executive Committee whenever there is a need.
5. To guard the moral and material goods of the Society and shall utilize the honor
of the, President to create friendship and understanding among the Mexican Community and
shall bring the good Mexican name to foreign lands.
6. To protect the assets of the Club and any activities that could cause a financial
impact on the Club.
7. To receive approval from the Executive Committee or Membership for expenditures
over $ 50.00.
8. To assure that the requirements of Article 2 are adhered to.
The Vice President's duties:
1. The Vice-President shall enjoy the same responsibilities of the President
when, for some reason, the President leaves the position vacant.
The Treasurer's duties are:
1. To keep under his/her custody the official book of accounts, income and
expenses, according to the rules of law.
2. To ensure, per the rules of law, that checks are not written for expenditures
without the proper receipts.
3. To sign the receipts, checks of payments and any
other documents related to the finances of this Society.
4. To follow the Constitution that refers to the transfer of funds and to make
available any book or document in the Treasurer's custody to any member who wishes to
examine them.
The Secretary's duties are:
1. To keep under the Secretary's custody the archives and official seal of the
2. To write the minutes of the meetings. To read the minutes of the meetings.
3. To write, sign and mail the official letters of the Society.
4. To keep a complete, up-to-date list of all the membership.
The duties of the Trustees:
1. The Trustees are also the Properties Committee.
2. The Trustees are responsible for the property of the SMM and the activities of La
Fiesta Restaurant.
3. Inventory must be taken once a year, and maintained quarterly.
4. No member is permitted to remove any property from the SMM Club / La Fiesta
without permission and the supervision of the Chairman of the Trustees.
The Chairman of Festivities Duties:
1. To plan and organize the festivities that the membership wishes to have during
the year.
2. To work within the appropriate budget determined by the Club.
Sunshine Committee:
1. When the Sunshine Committee is notified that someone is ill in the hospital
he/she will send the member a bud vase.
2. The cost should not exceed $ 10.00 and will be limited to once per year per
1. An Auditor will be appointed by the Executive Committee every two years. The
Auditor will be responsible for auditing the books of La Fiesta Restaurant and anywhere
else that he/she may be requested to audit.
2. La Fiesta's books must be audited a minimum of, every 6 months.
3. The final results of the audit must be presented and approved at the SMM business
1. Yearly dues are to be paid during the months of October thru December.
2. Members will have until the first monthly meeting of the new year (January) to
remain current.
3. Failure to do so will result in the loss of accumulated years towards any
membership benefits that requires accumulated years. (Retirement / death benefits)
4. Members children who are under the age of 18 do not have to pay membership dues.
5. Any volunteer who works for La Fiesta will be re-imbursed for his/her hours
worked by payment towards their yearly dues. They will be credited $1.00 per hour. The
maximum amount for dues will be $25.00 per year. Any hours after 25 cannot be carried into
the following year.
6. The volunteer hours must be posted and have the approval of the Chairman of the
Trustees to ensure that the Treasurer gives the person their proper credit.
7. Any member who has been a paid member for 10 consecutive years and is 75 years or
older, will be carried as a charter member which would include all the benefits of the
Club. These "Lifetime" members shall attend all social activities free of
8. Only members who have paid their dues for the year may attend the Christmas
9. Only members who have paid their dues for the NEXT YEAR may receive funds towards
their dinner at the Anniversary Dinner in January.
Telephone Committee duties:
1. The committee will call the membership at the request of the President.
2. The committee should tell the members about the next calendar/event when they
make their calls so that the members can have time to plan better in attending some of the
functions of SMM. Sometimes there are more than one event in a specific month.
OCCHA (Organizacion Civics y Cultural Hispana Americana):
1. The SMM will pay the membership dues for someone to represent SMM in this
2. The member will have all of his/her expenses paid that occur during participation
in OCCHA events while representing the SMM.
General meetings:
1. The total of the membership to be used to determine if a quorum is present for
a meeting will be done by calculating the average number of attendees at the last nine (9)
business meetings. Two thirds of this number should be present to conduct a meeting where
the membership will be making Club decisions.
2. Any member of the Executive Committee who does not attend three (3) consecutive
regular meetings, and is unexcused during this time, will be considered resigned from the
Executive Committee. This will occur after he/she has been formally notified by a letter
sent from the Club President.
3. The President may appoint someone to fill the vacancy until someone can be
elected by the membership at the next regular meeting.
4. Special meetings can take place anytime the President decides that it is
necessary to have one.
5. All meetings are open to the membership unless the President feels that the
meeting is being held for a personal nature.
6. The subject of the special meeting must be given at the general meeting and only
those items mentioned may be discussed at this meeting..
7. Executive meetings called by the President are not considered special meetings
and do not apply to the numbers 4/5/6/ above.
Scholarship information:
1. Applicant must be of Mexican ancestry and a member of the SMM or have a family
member who is a member of the SMM.
2. The member of the SMM must be a member in good standing for a minimum of one
3. The maximum scholarship for any given year shall be $500.00 or as determined by
the SMM.
4. The scholarship can be requested again by the same applicant the following year.
5. If more than one application is received, consideration will be given to the new
applicant before the prior recipient.
6. Scholarship money must be used only for the purpose indicated (tuition, books,
lab fees) or it must be refunded to the SMM.
7. The Scholarship forms and instructions are available from anyone on the
Scholarship Committee.
8. The Scholarship Committee shall give the scholarship/s in memory of a deceased
member or members; when applicable.
9. The scholarship must be presented as: "The SMM is giving --- a $500.00
scholarship in memory of ---."
10. The family of the name of the deceased should be notified when the scholarship
is being given in the name of their loved one.
Misc. items:
1. Members who volunteer to work on an event (dance) for a minimum of three (3)
hours may receive a free ticket to the event. The Event Chairman will determine who these
people are.
2. Anyone who works double duty for an event will be considered for a half price
ticket to another special event (OCCHA dinner). Examples: Making the food at the
restaurant and helping at the event. Decorating before the event and helping at the event.
3. Those volunteers who work the dance are receiving a ticket to the dance and may
work as many hours as they choose. This is not considered double duty.