

History of the Mexican Club
Youngstown, Ohio

On January 2, 1937 a group of approximately forth Mexicans, wishing to have something in common, and at the same time unite and help themselves, mutually decided to create an organization to which they called "Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana" (Mexican Mutual Society). There were many that worked hard to create this club, because of their c consistency and desire to look for people to become members. The first meeting was called to order in a house located at 525 Rayen Avenue. Here they elected the first Executive Committee and they also nominated and elected a committee to writ the rules and regulations under which this organization was going to be governed.

Today, we are happy to tell everyone that the dreams from this group of people haven't died yet. At present, we are a small Society, but still we continue marching ahead. Many of those first pioneer are not with us anymore. We are proud of one member in particular: Luis Alcantar, this person is still with us since he first joined the club back in 1937.

The first dream of every club is to have their own clubhouse to conduct their meetings and have special activities. In 1972 this dream was accomplished, 1801 Midland, Youngstown, Ohio is the address of the clubhouse. (Westside of Youngstown).

In 1974 another branch of this organization was created to help support the activities of the Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana. This new ramification is recognized officially as the Mexican Athletic Club.